"yes! Obey the law, "Tang Guan’s heart is full of thoughts, but his mouth has no hesitation."


"The Lord God has one more thing to tell you. The glory of the great dark god enveloped the whole Tangjia town last night. My Lord added 346 more believers and asked for an audience with you to listen to your teachings at close range, witness your perfection and appreciate your power. Please show them outside the hall."
After a night’s thinking, Huaxia Jiu has made himself strong and protected himself as his core program out of wisdom, that is to say, all his methods and principles of doing things will be strong and strong. In view of this, he has temporarily accepted the identity of the dark angel and thought about making himself strong.
Chapter VI Dawu Empire
After consulting the information about religious beliefs in my brain last night, combined with the actual situation of the world, Huaxia Nine has generally formulated a response plan.
Considering that in the process of religious broadcasting, the emissary must remain mysterious and powerful, and can’t appear frequently in front of the public, Huaxia Jiu said after a little reflection, "According to my Lord’s Oracle, the high priest of the Tang Dynasty, my master’s spokesman will lead all believers to carry forward the glory of my Lord. In addition, from now on, there is one person who can come to see me, and others who have made great contributions to the glory of my Lord will be received by me and even given your divine power, otherwise they will not be allowed to enter here." This sentence is a statement that Huaxia Jiu has already compiled in combination with information in his mind.
When Tang Guan heard this, his heart was really pleasantly surprised, and he quickly prostrated himself on the ground and said, "Thank you, my Lord, for believing that I will be the most devout servant of my Lord, and I will spread my life and energy to glorify my Lord and increase my followers."
Tang Guan and others have an artifact "clairvoyance" in their hands when they leave the hall.
This artifact "Clairvoyance" is a black ball the size of a fist, with a layer of glassy crystal on the outside and dozens of eye-shaped probes inside, which is a multi-directional ultra-long-distance camera.
In front of the stone tablet at the exit of the outer passage of the main hall
After Tang Guan reached the Oracle of the God-made Adults, hundreds of people wanted to meet the God-made Adults. Although they were disappointed, they were more frightened. They were so scared that they and others had previously disrespected and desecrated the idea of the dark God that they couldn’t help but say that God made the adults more awed.
In the hall, Tang Guan carefully held the black camera, and a dozen middle-aged and elderly men tightly formed a circle and looked at the black camera with awe.
Tang Guan carefully touched the atmosphere beside him, and everyone dared not go out.
After half a ring, Tang Guan took a deep breath and said solemnly, "According to the angel’s adult, this artifact is called clairvoyance. It is installed in the tallest building in the town or the trees can see hundreds of miles away. If there are wolves and demons coming, you can see it before."
The smell speech was not surprising. An old man said, "What an artifact! Only God can create such a magical artifact. "
"That’s it! You see, this work is natural and magical. "Another middle-aged man echoed.
Ten years ago, Emperor Wu Zu of Dawu Empire was stabbed to death.
Later, the prestige of Wu Zudi’s younger Wu Zongdi’s succession was insufficient, and the princes turned against each other and gradually became self-respecting and refused to listen to the propaganda of Wu Zongdi.
Years ago, three counties in Northeast China rebelled and stood on their own feet and obeyed the country.
Emperor Wu Zongdi called on the main force of the six counties in the Central Committee of Heaven, and the other counties assisted millions of troops in the Northern Expedition. There were dozens of large and small battles, which lasted for two years. Finally, 300,000 Dashun troops fled to the six counties in the Central Committee after a disastrous defeat in the First World War, and less than 200,000 troops fled back to the Central Committee.
Five years ago, the Shui people in the southeast coast and the demon people in the southwest Cangman Mountain invaded the two counties in the southeast and the three counties in the southwest at the same time. Countless towns and villages were caught off guard. People were slaughtered by aliens, living less than half of their original lives, and they became slaves and coolies. Tangjia Town was one of the affected towns and villages.
Jiangyuan City, one of the three counties in the southwest of Dawu Empire-Cangnan County, Cangnan County, is a 21-member city. Hundreds of villages and towns are located 500 miles northeast of Cangman Mountain, which is named after being close to Cangjiangyuan, the largest river in Dawu Empire.
Just when Tang Guan had the artifact "Clairvoyance" firmly fixed in the tallest seven-story tower in the town, 10,000 fighters came out from the west gate of Jiangyuan City, and the smoke was rolling and the hoofs were filled with murderous sounds. The soldiers were divided into five roads and headed for Cangman Mountain, one of which was heading for Tangjia Town.
An old general wearing gold armor and riding a high-headed steed led several young soldiers wearing black armor and riding steeds in front of the troops.
"General Huang has gone out of town this time. Can your family tell me when the duke dispatched five cangfeng fighters?" General Huang Lao’s left hand is a rugged and tall man with a bloody longbow on his back. Young participants in their early twenties turned their heads and glanced at Jiangyuancheng behind them and coughed and said
General Huang Lao’s smell speech was funny. He glanced at the other four participants who had just questioned him and found that they were all curious and expecting expressions, or looked at him directly or looked at him from the corner of his eye.
"Ha, ha, ha ….. Zhang Xiong, I knew it was your little first to ask the general first! In fact, if you don’t ask me, I’ll tell you a few small people. It’s well known that my mortal enemy, the demon race, has different talents. The senior demon race won’t say that it has its own terran monks to deal with it, but the ordinary demon race is generally stronger than my Terran. If it weren’t for the large number of Terran and the ability to build sharp weapons and strong armor to make up for its own shortcomings, I’m afraid that it would have been slaughtered by the demon race and the aquarium. Since five years ago, the demon race came out of the Cangman Mountain to seize several towns in three counties in southwest China, it Mine and then forced my Terran to help them build weapons. This time, I dispatched 10,000 elite fighters from Cangnan County precisely because the detectives arrived at the five weapons casting bases of the demon family. Our purpose is to destroy these five bases and rescue or kill the demon family. It is best for them to cast their weapons and take them away. "
After hearing General Huang Lao’s words, the five young participants have already looked awed. For thousands of years, the hatred between human beings and demon families has been accumulated by generations of generations of generations of casualties.
At this time, General Huang Lao’s voice just fell and the five men looked at each other and said with different mouths, "We will follow the general’s orders to complete the destruction of the demon weapon casting base to the death."
General Huang Lao couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this.
These five young generals have an extraordinary history. Their fathers and grandfathers are not big shots in Cangnan County, and even one of them is the grandson of Hou Liuxiu in Cangnan.
Although General Huang Lao is very old in the army, if something happens to these men, I’m afraid it will bring great trouble to the family behind General Huang Lao.
He was worried that these five young people were not stable enough to obey orders, but now it seems that he is worrying too much.
General Huang Lao nodded slightly and said, "You are all outstanding young people in Cangnan County. Your parents specially invited you to participate in this time to enhance your actual combat experience and temper your life and death. I will arrange it for you according to the progress, but it must not affect the completion and ensure your safety."
Four young generals solemnly nodded and promised that not many people were willing to risk their lives. The more noble they were, the more so. On the contrary, they were at the bottom of society, unable to eat enough, warm up and live in peace. Poor families often had great courage to take their lives for granted. This is the reason why the so-called "barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes".
But Linda has all kinds of birds. There is still a young soldier with a face of color. Although he has no mouth to refute General Huang Lao, his expression still shows his true thoughts. This young soldier is also the person who General Huang Lao is most worried about. This person is Zhao Fengyun, the grandson of Cangnan Hou.
It is said that this talent is quite high, and he already has the strength of senior fighters in his early twenties, which is also extremely difficult to put in the whole southwest region, so he was deeply valued by Cangnan Hou and personally instructed him in Wushu practice
General Huang Lao will look at five young participants in a glance. Seeing Zhao Fengyun look like this, I can’t help but feel a little worried and have a headache. But suddenly I think that this time it is mainly to destroy a weapon casting base in the demon clan, which is in charge of the wolf demon clan, and it is not a positive confrontation with the wolf demon army against the Tangjia town. At most, there will be one or two hundred wolf demons. Our two thousand elite cavalry will kill the wolf demon in Tangjia town before it is discovered in the pale mountain range, and then quickly evacuate. If we want to come there, even if the enemy is discovered by the wolf demon army in the pale mountain range, we can
Thinking of this, General Huang Lao stopped taking this matter to heart and explained the overall war plan to several young participants.